Friday, August 19, 2011

The struggles of a housewife in training.

Hello Everyone!

A few of you have asked for a recipe for the tomato sauce and I will give you the one that I started out with. I started with this recipe, but (as a first time sauce maker), had a few issues with it. The instructions weren't entirely clear and I was missing a few ingredients! One thing I love about cooking though is that you can wing it. So I just went for it and used what we have on hand.

It's funny, I really believe that it was my husband who taught me to cook. I used to love baking because everything was laid out for you, step by step. It wasn't until I met him and I watched him cook, that I had the courage to just wing it for cooking! I think this is what sets most people back from cooking, you need (as Julia Child put it) "the courage of your own convictions" behind you.

My current struggle is trying to keep the house clean. I can handle one night of just massive efforts cleaning several rooms from top to bottom, but I can never seem to keep chore organized for a daily basis. It also doesn't help that I work full time and just don't want to after work! Any suggestions?

P.S. This weekend, we are going to Sam's club, and I am going to get some ingredients to some favorite recipes. I will give you a hint, Pumpkin. Get ready!

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time keeping certain areas clean too...I have the luxury of being at home right now, but I try to make sure that things are at least a little more tidy and organized before Matt gets home from his job, nothing big, so at least I feel like I've done something and Matt isn't coming to an incredibly messy house! It does help that sometimes Matt isn't home until 11 though, so I have lots of time to clean inbetween the other things that I do.
